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Brand Strategy and Development

$ 23,634,540

Revenue Driven For Our Clients

Website Development

$ 23,634,540

Revenue Driven For Our Clients

$ 23,634,540

Revenue Driven For Our Clients

$ 23,634,540

Revenue Driven For Our Clients

$ 23,634,540

Revenue Driven For Our Clients

Product Development & Sourcing

$ 23,634,540

Revenue Driven For Our Clients


Scope of Work

Shopify Setup





The Number Game

The launch of the ZINECH VR Adjustable Headset was met with enthusiastic reception


Revenue Generated


Customer Transactions


Conversion Success


CPC Acquisition



The above figures speak about Zinech’s success journey, reflecting the numbers that made our client incredibly happy.  

Journey In Action



ZINECH was built to drive innovation, adventure, and accessibility in Virtual Reality (VR)

And build a powerful adjustable VR headset that effectively meets the modern-day usage demands.


Branding & Identity

Created a unique brand identity with a creative logo, appealing color scheme, and a focused brand voice.

Ensured all branding elements perfectly align with the target market's expectations.


Product Development

Managed the detailed engineering process for the headset design.

Ensured the headset met and exceeded market standards for comfort.

Positioned ZINECH as a leader in VR innovations with an impactful product design.


Marketing Plan

Conducted market research to analyze promotional trends in the VR headset domain.

Compared the sales potential on multiple social media platforms for promoting ZINECH.


Campaign Execution

Executed a multi-channel marketing strategy that included a mix of promotional campaigns.

Created campaigns for digital advertising, social media, influencer partnerships, and immersive pop-up events to generate buzz and attract VR enthusiasts.


Sales & Distribution

Launched an optimized Shopify store for seamless user experience.

Focused on achieving high conversion rates through the store design.

Implemented strategic content marketing to boost sales and conversions.

4DX was tasked with developing ZINECH and its flagship product, the ZINECH VR Adjustable Headset. This case study details the comprehensive strategy implemented by 4DX from concept to market launch, highlighting our integrated approach to creating a powerful brand.

Founder's Voice

As ZINECH's founder, I am highly grateful to 4DX for their key role in our success. They helped us be on our target market's sales map so we can sell our VR headsets and make a difference in the industry. I gladly recommend 4DX to any brand looking to grow in the competitive ecommerce industry.

Mr. Metngnon

case studies

from someone to THE ONE

Discover How Cafevora Brewed $780K in Revenue with Strategic Brand Development.

We tailored a comprehensive brand and digital strategy for Cafevora, focusing on niche selection and robust online presence, which culminated in impressive revenue and customer engagement.

Revenue Generated : $780K
customer transactions : 7,689+

Explore Blisswag's Leap to $2.6 Million in Revenue with Joyful Canine Wellness Products.

Blisswag successfully carved out a niche in pet wellness through targeted branding and innovative products, achieving high conversion success and extensive market presence.

Revenue Generated : $2.6 million
customer transactions : 56,984+

Learn How Infiniblend Blended Strategy and Innovation to Generate $660K.

Infiniblend's strategic approach to branding and product development resonated with health-conscious consumers, driving significant revenue and customer transactions.

Revenue Generated : $660K
customer transactions : 56,873+

See How Spektra Captured $2.3 Million in the Competitive Gaming Market.

Spektra implemented a cutting-edge product development and digital strategy, leading to substantial revenue in the gaming industry with innovative controller designs.

Revenue Generated : $2.3 million
customer transactions : 34,879+

Ready to cultivate your brand's success story?

Contact Us Today.